Amherst Sei Gohong....
Amherst Sei Gohong....
Amherst Sei Gohong....
Amherst Sei Gohong...
(easy, isn't it?)
New update!
It's been a month and 4 days, me being in Canada. Quite an impressive experience I had and I will have for another one month and a half a head. Lots of things happened, fun and sad, smile and cry, cheers and tears.
So, this program is called Canada World Youth, the exchange program for Canadia youth and other countries. Each group has 9 participants from respective countries. And for this year, there are 3 groups of Indonesian and Canadian involved for the Indonesia - Canada Youth Exchange Program.
My group, i would called as "AMIGO"or Amherst - Sei Gohong. It is the name of two places that we will be staying during the program, Amherst in Nova Scotia, Canada, and Sei Gohong, a village in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. We will have the community service in both place as well as participating in the educational activities and culture exchange.
There supposed to be 9 Canadians and 9 Indonesians in my group (4 females and 5 males). Each participant will have a counterpart. The counterpart pair will be staying together with the Host Family. However, there are only 8 of us Indonesians. Yanti, the participant from South Sumatra failed the Medical Check Up. As the result, one of the Canadian females has no counterpart. My counterpart and I then decided to be her counterpart too. So, now, I have two counterparts. Yeah!! This things never happened before!
So, this is the list of the participants from Indonesia with the counterpart,
- Monalisa Pasaribu from North Sumatra with Elizabeth Durden from Alberta and Sally Reid from British Columbia
- Rizky Sulistiyowati from East Java with Anouchka B. Salamin from Quebec
- Valisneria Utami from Bengkulu with Sonia Charran from Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Adi Suranta from North Sumatra with Zak Pinn from Calgary, Alberta
- Andinatha Efendi from Central Kalimantan with Etieen from Montreal, Quebec
- Rio Seprayen from Central Kalimantan with Steve Purificati from King City, Toronto
- I Ketut Ary from Bali with Matt Sauro from Ontario
- Roby Rimeldo from West Sumatra with Kevin Gautreau from Ontario
We have been doing lots of fun things in the group. Apart from the community and educational activities, we sometimes hang out in one house, watching movies (scarry movies in Ririz house are the best^_^), playing fun games, taking hundreds of pictures, and spending night over. How I love my group-)...
This week will be our Mid Camp project. Wow. Time goes by so fast. Damn. I want to have more time in Canada. Or is there any possibility to come back here again??
Let the time answers...