Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Book, book, and book!


Today, I just went back from Gramedia Grand Palladium, a famous bookstore in my city. I was very excited to buy books there since Gramedia is having the Grand Opening and giving 30 % discount for all items (exluding electronics).

I went there with Catherine and Novi. We went there after having paper presentation in State University of Medan (UNIMED). Wow!! Lots of books were displayed and sold! Too bad, I only bought 2 novels (my budget was not enough, TT).

Here are the title of novels I bought:
The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho and Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I am one of the fan for Coelho collection, so I bought one. Wish I had more budget to buy books..

Actually, I want to make a library so right now I am collecting books. This is my project. Not that much, I still have 25 listed books (the rest is gone by the wind, hehe).

That's why, anytime I have money, I buy books. And, at this very big moment, where Gramedia is having discount (which seldom happens), I have limited budget, huh!

But, it's ok lah. Buying two novels are better than buying nothing. Hope during this week (the discount is for a week from June 3rd - 9th), miracles happen, hehe..

So, guys.. If you want to support me and my project, you can donate books. I would certainly welcome you with my open arms ^_^..

Thanks for reading my blog..


  1. Haha, donating books? Hehe...Yeah, I agree, how nice was yesterday. I only bought one book...TT

  2. ooouuuuuuwwwwww,
    kak mona!!!
    dont be so cruel, jgn pakek bhs inggrisla
    add link-ku k!
