Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sleepy and Sleep

I am feeling very sleepy alrieady, but i promise myself that I have to write something in my blog today. I took some bread and washed my face to keep myself ON, at least for 5 minutes.

Ok, so just few updates of what i am busy of these days..

Medan is going to be the host for ASEAN Youth Camp 2009. It is an annual event for all youth in ASEAN region to meet. So, there will be many participants coming from Malaysia, Thailand etc. The agenda is to have cross culture among the ASEANist.

So, I am involved in welcoming the participants and performing culture of Medan. Isn't that great? Yes, ofcourse. Me and my friends from PCMI (Yaya, Dini, Suci, Dian and Adi) plan to sing traditional songs. But the problem is, we need to practise on everyday's evening for next week. Huh, tough thing to do.
Anyway, as the ciggarette adv. says : Enjoy aja -), so just enjoy.

I am sleepy already, and I just realize that it is already in the early morning of the next day, huh. I didn't make it!!

Ok, then. I'll zzleeppzzz....

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