Well, a lot of extra ordinary things happened to my life and I just realized, that it was my wishes for this year.
On July, I was officially finishing my study in USU (29 July 2009) and I got A (83.5 point). Hurrayy!! It was one great achievement I had. After four years struggling in USU, with laughs and tears (^_^), finally I made it. Monalisa Pasaribu, SS. Eventhough I have to suspend my Graduation Ceremony till next year, no problem. I was so happy that it is all paid. Cash!
Oia, before I had my last exam, I got another surprise which is unbelieveable. Last last months, I joined a selection for Youth Exchange Program. It was my 2nd time joining the selection. My target was to Canada. Then, at the announcement day, I got in as the 2nd candidate for Malaysia Program. Eventhough it was not my target, i still accepted it and thanked God for that.
Then, on July, there came the letter from Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga, telling that there will be additional quota given to my province, for female participant. And Pak Suwandono from Dispora Sumut recommended me to be the participant.
He, by pak Yus and Bang Chairul from PCMI Sumut, contacted me in the morning and asked me to come to the office and to bring my passport along. But they didnt tell me anything. I thought it was for Malaysia program, who knows that i had to substitute another participant. But i didnt want to expect that far. So, I just went to the office. At the office, Pak Yus then told me about the thing. I was so surprised and so happy. Damn happy. On the night after they told that news, I didnt sleep at all.
So, on next month. I was busy preparing all things for my trip to Canada, cieee... I was going to Jakarta for Medical Check Up (05 August) and Pre - Departure Training (21 - 30 August). I met extraordinary friends from all over Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Maluku, NTT and Papua). All of us, 27 participants are the delegation of ICYEP : Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program 2009/2010). 18 of us have departed first right after the training (30 August), while the rest will depart this month.
So, this month, I am going to Jakarta again (24 September) and then flying to Canada!!! (26 September). Wow.. What a Life! Can't wait to step on my foot to the far-far-away land, meeting new friends and learning new things. Canada, here I come!!
The dreams come true. Thankyou God. I will never reach this stage of life without You. Thankyou for this life You give. A wonderful life.
haaaa, congratz, kak mona!!!! jangan lupa bawain oleh2 yang bnayak dari kanadaaaaa.... hahaha