This question came out to my mind, as soon as some people told me that I am 'turning' to be someone they don't know. Of course, it is not easy to be different among the same-idea people. Some people will hate you, start thinking that you are a betrayer, and keep distance from you. Hey, man! That is not fair. Every individuals have right to choose what they want to be. That's the freedom of choice.
They say they care about me and are afraid of losing me. I really appriciate that attention. Still, it is my life and this is me. And this is what I want to be. I am not representing any people, not even influenced by any. This is MY opinion and surely I take the consequences of my decision. I demand people respecting me with what I am choosing to be.
Again, we should know the more important question to ask someone you care is,"Are you happy with your decision?", not doctrinize them and telling them to be what you want. Obviously, it will never make them feel happy.
Millions of people maybe have the same perspective on seeing things, but maybe millions of others don’t. There’s nothing wrong with either, so don’t judge one side from another. Honestly, is it a crime to be different?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Amherst - Sei Gohong : CWY 2009

Amherst Sei Gohong....
Amherst Sei Gohong....
Amherst Sei Gohong....
Amherst Sei Gohong...
(easy, isn't it?)
New update!
It's been a month and 4 days, me being in Canada. Quite an impressive experience I had and I will have for another one month and a half a head. Lots of things happened, fun and sad, smile and cry, cheers and tears.
So, this program is called Canada World Youth, the exchange program for Canadia youth and other countries. Each group has 9 participants from respective countries. And for this year, there are 3 groups of Indonesian and Canadian involved for the Indonesia - Canada Youth Exchange Program.
My group, i would called as "AMIGO"or Amherst - Sei Gohong. It is the name of two places that we will be staying during the program, Amherst in Nova Scotia, Canada, and Sei Gohong, a village in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. We will have the community service in both place as well as participating in the educational activities and culture exchange.
There supposed to be 9 Canadians and 9 Indonesians in my group (4 females and 5 males). Each participant will have a counterpart. The counterpart pair will be staying together with the Host Family. However, there are only 8 of us Indonesians. Yanti, the participant from South Sumatra failed the Medical Check Up. As the result, one of the Canadian females has no counterpart. My counterpart and I then decided to be her counterpart too. So, now, I have two counterparts. Yeah!! This things never happened before!
So, this is the list of the participants from Indonesia with the counterpart,
- Monalisa Pasaribu from North Sumatra with Elizabeth Durden from Alberta and Sally Reid from British Columbia
- Rizky Sulistiyowati from East Java with Anouchka B. Salamin from Quebec
- Valisneria Utami from Bengkulu with Sonia Charran from Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Adi Suranta from North Sumatra with Zak Pinn from Calgary, Alberta
- Andinatha Efendi from Central Kalimantan with Etieen from Montreal, Quebec
- Rio Seprayen from Central Kalimantan with Steve Purificati from King City, Toronto
- I Ketut Ary from Bali with Matt Sauro from Ontario
- Roby Rimeldo from West Sumatra with Kevin Gautreau from Ontario
We have been doing lots of fun things in the group. Apart from the community and educational activities, we sometimes hang out in one house, watching movies (scarry movies in Ririz house are the best^_^), playing fun games, taking hundreds of pictures, and spending night over. How I love my group-)...
This week will be our Mid Camp project. Wow. Time goes by so fast. Damn. I want to have more time in Canada. Or is there any possibility to come back here again??
Let the time answers...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Wonderful Life!

Well, a lot of extra ordinary things happened to my life and I just realized, that it was my wishes for this year.
On July, I was officially finishing my study in USU (29 July 2009) and I got A (83.5 point). Hurrayy!! It was one great achievement I had. After four years struggling in USU, with laughs and tears (^_^), finally I made it. Monalisa Pasaribu, SS. Eventhough I have to suspend my Graduation Ceremony till next year, no problem. I was so happy that it is all paid. Cash!
Oia, before I had my last exam, I got another surprise which is unbelieveable. Last last months, I joined a selection for Youth Exchange Program. It was my 2nd time joining the selection. My target was to Canada. Then, at the announcement day, I got in as the 2nd candidate for Malaysia Program. Eventhough it was not my target, i still accepted it and thanked God for that.
Then, on July, there came the letter from Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga, telling that there will be additional quota given to my province, for female participant. And Pak Suwandono from Dispora Sumut recommended me to be the participant.
He, by pak Yus and Bang Chairul from PCMI Sumut, contacted me in the morning and asked me to come to the office and to bring my passport along. But they didnt tell me anything. I thought it was for Malaysia program, who knows that i had to substitute another participant. But i didnt want to expect that far. So, I just went to the office. At the office, Pak Yus then told me about the thing. I was so surprised and so happy. Damn happy. On the night after they told that news, I didnt sleep at all.
So, on next month. I was busy preparing all things for my trip to Canada, cieee... I was going to Jakarta for Medical Check Up (05 August) and Pre - Departure Training (21 - 30 August). I met extraordinary friends from all over Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Maluku, NTT and Papua). All of us, 27 participants are the delegation of ICYEP : Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program 2009/2010). 18 of us have departed first right after the training (30 August), while the rest will depart this month.
So, this month, I am going to Jakarta again (24 September) and then flying to Canada!!! (26 September). Wow.. What a Life! Can't wait to step on my foot to the far-far-away land, meeting new friends and learning new things. Canada, here I come!!
The dreams come true. Thankyou God. I will never reach this stage of life without You. Thankyou for this life You give. A wonderful life.
Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary to My Mom and Dad!!

Today, 09 - 09 - 2009, is the commemoration of the wedding day for my Mom, Rumita br Hombing, and my Dad, St. R. Pasaribu on 09 - 09 - 1979. We gave them big surprise. Me, Bang Ganda and Bang Zul bought small cake and wake them up at almost 11 pm, when they were aslept. Mom and Dad didnt realize, until we asked them to get up from bed and see the cake ^_^, and all of us sang, " Happy Birthday to you!" I almost cried..
Wow, never realize that they make it till 30 years!! Really thank God for this..
My hope is to see them both again next years with a better condition and all families can join the celebration ^_^..
Happy Birthday to My Mom and Dad!
God bless you both!
God bless my family, Pasaribu!
Wow, never realize that they make it till 30 years!! Really thank God for this..
My hope is to see them both again next years with a better condition and all families can join the celebration ^_^..
Happy Birthday to My Mom and Dad!
God bless you both!
God bless my family, Pasaribu!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Sleepy and Sleep
I am feeling very sleepy alrieady, but i promise myself that I have to write something in my blog today. I took some bread and washed my face to keep myself ON, at least for 5 minutes.
Ok, so just few updates of what i am busy of these days..
Medan is going to be the host for ASEAN Youth Camp 2009. It is an annual event for all youth in ASEAN region to meet. So, there will be many participants coming from Malaysia, Thailand etc. The agenda is to have cross culture among the ASEANist.
So, I am involved in welcoming the participants and performing culture of Medan. Isn't that great? Yes, ofcourse. Me and my friends from PCMI (Yaya, Dini, Suci, Dian and Adi) plan to sing traditional songs. But the problem is, we need to practise on everyday's evening for next week. Huh, tough thing to do.
Anyway, as the ciggarette adv. says : Enjoy aja -), so just enjoy.
I am sleepy already, and I just realize that it is already in the early morning of the next day, huh. I didn't make it!!
Ok, then. I'll zzleeppzzz....
Ok, so just few updates of what i am busy of these days..
Medan is going to be the host for ASEAN Youth Camp 2009. It is an annual event for all youth in ASEAN region to meet. So, there will be many participants coming from Malaysia, Thailand etc. The agenda is to have cross culture among the ASEANist.
So, I am involved in welcoming the participants and performing culture of Medan. Isn't that great? Yes, ofcourse. Me and my friends from PCMI (Yaya, Dini, Suci, Dian and Adi) plan to sing traditional songs. But the problem is, we need to practise on everyday's evening for next week. Huh, tough thing to do.
Anyway, as the ciggarette adv. says : Enjoy aja -), so just enjoy.
I am sleepy already, and I just realize that it is already in the early morning of the next day, huh. I didn't make it!!
Ok, then. I'll zzleeppzzz....
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My First..

In every situation, 'first' always makes us nervous. For me, having the first thing or facing a new condition at the first time might make me feel excited and afraid at the same time.
Just like the first time when I went by plane to Yogya. I didn't know how but I felt so happy and so scared. Happy because that was my first flight and scared because I didn't know the situation yet.
I kinda had this feeling again when I went to Arau Open Debate in UiTM Perlis, Malaysia last week. It was my first time going abroad and feeling a new atmosphere of debate competition. The night before I went there, I could not sleep well.
Some might say that it is weird, but I guess we all feel the same thing when we have our 'first'. Some might work hard to deny the feeling they are having in this situation, but hang on friends, it's normal, very much normal.
However, some people feel afraid of having their 'first'. They prefer to stay still rather than having a new thing, in which they think that they are not ready for that. Somehow these people think that the new condition will bring them to a worse situation that they cant stand. Infact, this new thing will actully bring betterment for them.
Let's take an example: a friend of mine was in relationship with a man for 2 years. My friend started to complain when her boyfriend became possessive that she could not stand, but she is afraid to break the relationship for she would not ready to loose him. Infact, she realized that this couldn't go longer. Then, she made a decision with all consequences it takes. She made up her mind that she was ready for a new life with a new status. And at the end, she broke up with her boyfriend.
Finally, I want to say : "First is not always easy, but it is never that difficult though". Just be ready and prepare ourselves for every new thing we will face!! Cheers ^_^
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Book, book, and book!
Today, I just went back from Gramedia Grand Palladium, a famous bookstore in my city. I was very excited to buy books there since Gramedia is having the Grand Opening and giving 30 % discount for all items (exluding electronics).
I went there with Catherine and Novi. We went there after having paper presentation in State University of Medan (UNIMED). Wow!! Lots of books were displayed and sold! Too bad, I only bought 2 novels (my budget was not enough, TT).
Here are the title of novels I bought:
The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho and Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I am one of the fan for Coelho collection, so I bought one. Wish I had more budget to buy books..
Actually, I want to make a library so right now I am collecting books. This is my project. Not that much, I still have 25 listed books (the rest is gone by the wind, hehe).
That's why, anytime I have money, I buy books. And, at this very big moment, where Gramedia is having discount (which seldom happens), I have limited budget, huh!
But, it's ok lah. Buying two novels are better than buying nothing. Hope during this week (the discount is for a week from June 3rd - 9th), miracles happen, hehe..
So, guys.. If you want to support me and my project, you can donate books. I would certainly welcome you with my open arms ^_^..
Thanks for reading my blog..
Today, I just went back from Gramedia Grand Palladium, a famous bookstore in my city. I was very excited to buy books there since Gramedia is having the Grand Opening and giving 30 % discount for all items (exluding electronics).
I went there with Catherine and Novi. We went there after having paper presentation in State University of Medan (UNIMED). Wow!! Lots of books were displayed and sold! Too bad, I only bought 2 novels (my budget was not enough, TT).
Here are the title of novels I bought:
The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho and Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I am one of the fan for Coelho collection, so I bought one. Wish I had more budget to buy books..
Actually, I want to make a library so right now I am collecting books. This is my project. Not that much, I still have 25 listed books (the rest is gone by the wind, hehe).
That's why, anytime I have money, I buy books. And, at this very big moment, where Gramedia is having discount (which seldom happens), I have limited budget, huh!
But, it's ok lah. Buying two novels are better than buying nothing. Hope during this week (the discount is for a week from June 3rd - 9th), miracles happen, hehe..
So, guys.. If you want to support me and my project, you can donate books. I would certainly welcome you with my open arms ^_^..
Thanks for reading my blog..
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